Wednesday, October 15, 2008



The picture above represents what all the doctors, the media,the FDA, etc. say we should eat!  This pyramid was created by the FDA to let people know the food groups that are important in our diets.  So why don't people follow this so called guideline?!!  Well, what about single mothers or fathers struggling to make ends meet and putting healthy food on the table.  Not an easy task!!   The only thing they can afford is the processed food, packaged foods, and what ever else is on sale.  Things like, Kraft macaroni and cheese on sale for......6 boxes for a 1.00 or hamburger helper two boxes for 5.00.  These two examples are horrible for you.  Sure people could buy produce for salads, and a bunch of fruit, but their dollar stretches a lot further with the foods I just mentioned.  Healthy food is more expensive!!  Isn't is sad "they" say eat healthy, but yet a lot people can't afford to do that.  They wonder why obesity is on the rise in Americans, especially in children.  Type II diabetes is becoming common in children and that is scary to me!!  The more expensive foods I am talking about is organic foods because they are the safest and don't contain any chemicals. Understandably, it "may" cost more to produce organic foods, but if they sold it at a reasonable price they may sell a lot more because  people could afford it.

I get so sick and tired of hearing what the media has to say about what you should and should not be eating, what is healthy, what causes cancer, and on and on.  I am sure a lot of people would agree with me.  The stress of trying to eat right is frustrating.    

I grew up with a single parent.  My mother worked three jobs while supporting six children.  As you can imagine, we ate a lot of  macaroni and cheese and a lot of stuff out of a can because my mother wasn't home to cook that much.  So as I was growing up I was a chunky kid, but again as being a teen, peer pressure and the media once again step in and remind you to eat right, stay slim.  Nutrition is very important for children because it helps them grow probably.  Children that suffer from malnutrition have stunted growth, abnormal abdomens, and are very weak!  How about school lunches?   You have probably seen in the news that some schools are trying to change the menus and make them more healthy, but for now most of the lunches have fried foods, hamburgers, or pizza.  I am not saying having these are bad for children, what I am saying is moderation is the key!!!    Anything in access is not good for you.

I really enjoyed the "farm to school online.  What a great idea!!!  Not only will the children be eating right, they can learn how to grow their own stuff  at home.  How rewarding is that!!!  I eventually, because of my older sister, started growing my own vegetables, herbs, and flowers.  There is nothing like bringing your produce to your table!!  Since moving to Arizona from RI I have not had the chance to grow anything because I have only been here for 4 months, but I have visited a lot of the nurseries!  It really is amazing what you can do with ONE seed!

As for thinking of ways to solve obesity or nutrition problems, I really think it comes down to affordability.  Some people are raised with poor nutrition, but the media is always there to remind you what you should be eating and lets not forget exercise.  I think people have to start making healthier choices too. 

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