Thursday, November 13, 2008



It is really amazing how obesity has grown in this country over the decades.   Who is responsible for the obesity in this country??  In the article I read for this assignment, "Modifying the Environment to reverse Obesity" was a fascinating article about how different aspects of our environment  actually contribute to obesity.  It really opened my eyes!  I have always been a person who exercises, but I use tapes and machines.  I know walking is probably the most important exercise that any person can do.  What opened my eyes in the article was the things in our environment that can help curb obesity eg., having sidewalks in your neighborhood or just getting out of your car to get your dry cleaning instead of going through the drive thru.  Another big impact is advertisement!!  In the last unit we hit on what the importance of food is and I wrote about making food affordable!!!  Advertisement kills healthy eating because food high in fat and sugar COST LESS!!!   You can feed a whole family at McDonalds.

Childhood Obesity funny picture

This picture above is a great example of cheap food that is extremely bad for you.   These are the kinds of food that are advertised on TV, radio, and billboards!!   Also, in the article I read, it stated that obesity has been on the rise gradually.  I remember when my mother or father use to tell stories saying, " I use to walk 2 miles just to get school every day."   Now a days children ride the bus or drive themselves to school.   Even parents drive their children to school.  This shows how times have changed.  There are also cultural eating.  This food can be high in fat and eaten frequently.  A lot of people have traditions with food!  Do people have traditions to exercise together??  Maybe!  I think now a days people make the excuses that they don't have TIME!  I can understand that.  Moms are working and rushing around do a lot of other things.  Who wants to work out after a day filled with chaos!!   I don't think there is enough advertisement for exercise.  Once in awhile you see a bally commercial, but you see more advertisement for fast food joints.    I am really convinced with reading that article that obesity is due to our environment.  I never looked at it that way before because I a person who will take the stairs instead of the elevator.  I may have eaten at those fast food joints long ago, but I know now that they are bad for your health.  A lot of people may think; I am this big now what is the point of exercising!  I think we all know the answer to that question.....Its never to late to start something or anything.   I think that with a gradual change obesity can can change.  If it took us decades to create this environment, why not gradually change it.  There is a new incentive with one particular company that says if you are obese they raise your health insurance, BUT they also provide exercise alternatives and other things.  Is that fair??!!!  Well, some may say it isn't fair, but you really have to look at the whole picture.  Healthy employees stick around longer.    I no sure if I agree or disagree with this company.  Blue Cross and Blue Shield of RI has a program for people who want to join.  What all the disease walks people go on.  Why not do those walk JUST to be healthy!!   I am sure there are a lot of other gradual or even drastic changes we can make to the environment that can help obesity decline.  People have to make choices about getting out of the car to get their mail or  go into the pharmacy to get the prescription.  There are tons of little things that people could do to improve their health.  It is all about choice!  All the other web sites for this assignment are great!!!  Especially the one regarding children.  It is scary to think of young children having diabetes due to their weight.   I love the new games that are out today that makes kids get up and move.  There really are incentives for people to get health, but I still say its all about choice.   I could go on forever with this essay because I want to see obesity eliminated!!  

1 comment:

Larry Frolich said...

NAME: Bonnie Clifton

COMPENDIUMS: These are beautiful—thanks for the muscle cross-bridge animation and also the action potential animation—I will steal them for my A and P course!

LABS: Perfectly done—yes, it would be incredible to do the leech lab for real...but incredibly time-consuming to learn the techniques. Your muscle lab is so well presented and analyzed.

LAB PROJECT LIMB MODEL: This is also beautiful with great details on the neuron/muscle action

ETHICAL ISSUE ACTIVITY: So often we think that food and activity are personal choices but your image just says it all in terms of how propaganda and advertising tries to sway us.

Bonnie, thanks for a perfect unit! Great work. I am really impressed by your on line searching and the great images you come up with...not to mention your great lab work—you're on the road—way to go!
